Friday, November 20, 2009

Five Points - Sheng Zhao

Kinza, cool vid! I definitely agree with your statement that Atlantic Station is combating against sprawling. I enjoyed listening to your presentation about how Atlantic Station has a sense of community.

I certainly also want everyone of you who read this post check out my group's website about Five Points, downtown Atlanta. will find five interesting historical events related to Five Points. They are Railroad in Underground Atlanta, Rich's department store, MARTA, annual peach drop, and statues of phoenix.Five Points has experienced many upsets. After General Sherman and his troops destroyed the city during the Civil War and burning down during the Great Atlanta fire of 1917, Five Points is still able to recover from the ashes like the phoenix. Even though the city right now is in poverty, it could still rise again like it has in the past.

~Sheng Zhao

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