Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ending with a touch of comedy! - Vikrum Sheorey

Great analysis on that image Sheng! In continuing with our assessment of suburbia in different mediums, I will now move onto comedy! The video above is a parody of a suburban sprawl. The creator of the video does a good job matching elements of the song and video with the negative aspects of suburban sprawl.

One set of lyrics that really stands out is the following:

"All the people here buy stuff to impress you
All the streets looks just like A hundred others do
Applebee's is my idea of ethnic food
That's just where I come from, my hood!"

These lyrics really speak to the conformity and the consumerism that permeate throughout suburban culture. The line about Applebee's being considered ethnic really highlights the conformity.

Littered throughout the video are references to Big Box retail such as Walmart, Target, etc. These stores combined with the imagery of the Hummer and the miles of pavements humorous bring to light the issues that make sprawl such a prevalent problem.

Anyways I hope you had fun watching the video and more importantly reading our blog. This blog is the summation of many weeks of writing and I hope that you enjoyed reading all of our insights into suburban culture and other things!

-Vikrum Sheorey

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