Friday, November 13, 2009

Bring an End to Suburbia - Sheng Zhao

From the video above, it is obvious that suburbia has cost America too much and it has to be brought to an end.

From the beginning of the video, the fast paced music symbolizes the rapid growth of suburbia sprawl. Cars and clustered houses are the crucial elements in sustaining this kind of life. Sprawl promised Americans with the "American dream" of having individual space, convenience, affordability, and mobility. Everything else seems utterly unimportant to the people living in sprawl.

The suburban lifestyle is no longer sustainable in the twenty-first century as the population continues to grow, gas prices continue to rise, more farmland continue to be developed, and more wasteland continue to be generated. Actions need to be taken right now to avoid the imminent crisis. I'd like to end the post with a quote from the video, "America took all of its postwar wealth and invested in a living arrangement that has no future."

~Sheng Zhao

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