Friday, October 2, 2009

Decatur Metro In Depth Review - Sheng Zhao

A screenshot of Decatur Metro

The overall purpose of Decatur Metro blog is to provide daily update on interesting things happening in the city of Decatur. The author explicitly states that "Discouraged by the fact that the city of Decatur, GA doesn’t have a single source for daily news about our community, I decided to do something about it." He wants to create a convenient place for people living in Decatur to easily access local news. Although he does not explicitly say what a community should be, he certainly shows that he wants Decatur to be a community that people actually care about. With constant news update, people will become more and more interested in what's going on in their surroundings, rather than thinking it's just a place to live. He tries to promote communication among the people living there and to create a friendly community. Through continuous update, he wants to bring up awareness that Decatur is a vibrant city and tons of things are happening that it never runs out of news!

The blog is composed of majority of written description with not too many fancy pictures because the idea is to talk about local news. However, it certain will be helpful to insert more eye-catching pictures. The electronic blog has both writing and visual elements. The text mainly describes what is happening and usually cites a news article. When pictures are shown in a post, the main purpose is to catch reader's attention because most of the blog is text. I would say this is already very effective because the author is imitating a news website. He dedicates himself to incorporating all kinds of news about Decatur into this blog. Perhaps, if he could link some video news report, it would definitely be more effective.

~Sheng Zhao

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